Private Coaching Package

3 Months of Personalized Support

Get consistent guidance, accountability and support as you make small changes in your daily routine to transform your health, and your life.

With the private coaching package you'll have intimate and tailored coaching through deep healing and personal transformation.

I offer deep care and commitment to help you through the twists and turns of breaking free from old patterns and establishing a new foundation of wellness.

I use a unique ability to energetically tune into what's present for you, and ask powerful questions to help you tap into your own inner wisdom for radical results. Combined with my experience and training as a Ayurvedic Practitioner and Certified Yoga Health Coach. I'll offer education, resources, and multitudes of supportive tools to meet you exactly where you're at, and find the most powerful methods to reach your goals.

All the while deeply witnessing you -
reminding you of your strength and each and every win along the way.

What's Included

Ayurvedic Assessment

Personal Health Consultation

We start with a deep dive into your unique make up. Looking at long standing health challenges, superficial symptoms, and your baseline constitution. You'll tune into positive attributes and negative tendencies and how small or big choices and lifestyle patterns contribute. By looking at traits within your body, mind, & beliefs - we can see what no longer serves and what's most important to focus on first.

I'll create a custom tailored plan with:  Ayurvedic lifestyle and self care recommendations, best foods to eat or avoid, herbs, exercise or yoga sequences, and methods for working through the challenges of changing into new habits. This is especially helpful for anyone with a more deep seated imbalance, digestive issues, flare-ups etc. Or whomever wants to fast track their results. Or prefers more personalized guidance.

The Ayurvedic Assessment takes place over the phone, or at my office if you're in the Grass Valley area.

Within the extra care package, this consultation is offered at $222. A $100 savings from the regular price.

Recommendations include (but not limited to):

• Clarifying the habits, lifestyle tendencies or limiting beliefs that are causing your dis-harmony.
• Creating a customized whole-foods diet with specific foods and tastes to emphasize, as well as cooking methods, and pinpointing which foods to avoid.  
• Enriching self-care practices to experience deeper love, trust, joy, abundance & radiance.  
• Yoga asanas and exercise programs best suited to your nature.  
• Pranayama and meditation techniques for healing your whole self.
• The top three action steps to implement right away, and what to focus on next.  
• Behavior changing methods to integrate the recommendations without overwhelm and how to help them 'stick'.

Laser Coaching

Deep Dive Session

In the second session we'll do a deep dive into your personal objectives.
We'll craft your big dream and goals. Look at your main challenges. And draft the outline for your success.

Laser Coaching

2x Monthly Sessions

Twice a month, we'll connect for 30 minute laser coaching sessions to keep you on track and work though any challenge that arise.

You'll have my support and accountability to stay focused despite the ups and downs and many phases of life. You'll share updates, reflections, and bring any current questions or concerns. You'll leave with your next most important action step. And be held in a compassionate and caring container for a massive upgrade over the 3 month time frame.

I'll create a custom tailored plan with:  Ayurvedic lifestyle and self care recommendations, best foods to eat or avoid, herbs, exercise or yoga sequences, and methods for working through the challenges of changing into new habits.

All laser coaching sessions take place over the phone.

Within the extra care package, these private coaching sessions are offered at $50 each. A total savings of $300 from the regular price.

Client feedback

"I haven’t had any headaches!! I haven’t gone into a four-day migraine in over two months. I used to get them all the time.

  I’m seeing identity changes and shifts happen with boundaries with my husband and kids. I’ve set the bar higher and by doing these habits and having higher standards, they’ve seen me change and are changing because of that. I’m showing up differently and it’s influencing everything and everyone around me.

 I feel way more empowered.  

I have way better energy.  

I’ve been eating better food, exercising, and sleeping way better.

 I can see where I can fit more things into my day because I have more space opening up.  

 The herbs and diet changes and meal timing also created really quick healing. It’s really encouraging to see so many results so quickly.

 I feel really well supported. I’ve really enjoyed how organized you are. I love the way the whole course is organized. The private coaching calls are really great and help me make so much progress.”

-- Amy, Soul Body Bliss Member

Hi   ~ 

I'm Anna

Supporting women like you lights up my heart. It's an incredible honor to deeply see, witness, and guide you on your path. It gives me such great joy. And your success is massively important to me.

I spent 7 years as the head coach for the Living Ayurveda Course - a 9 month Ayurveda School created and led by Cate Stillman. There, I had the opportunity to coach hundreds of women passionate about getting healthier. And hone my unique coaching skills and intuition.

I've also led my own program for over 7 years now, and worked with a variety of people. Along with developing my own programs and personal expression of Ayurveda - reflective of my personal healing journey and attributes. 

Del Favaro

Attorney at Law

"Anna is calm, compassionate, and fully dedicated to the health and well-being of those she serves.

 She listened acutely, getting to know the intricacies of my body and life, then made meaningful, individualized recommendations. Upon following those recommendations, my quality of life has improved dramatically.

Over one year later, I still consult the notes and recommendations I received from Anna on a regular basis to re-assess my self-care and wellness.

I highly recommend Anna Welle Ayurveda for support in healing and whole-life fulfillment. She will dedicate herself to meeting your individualized needs and will be highly professional in the process."

Shinay Tredeau

Yoga Teacher

"I looked forward to the times I got to speak with Anna on the phone. Even the sound of her voice was soothing. She was a grounding force for me when my life was in another flux.

Anna’s level of training is evident in her ability to really listen to what was present for me at the moment and respond with clarity and exactitude, confidence and personal experience. I felt like Anna really heard what was underneath my words and could go beyond the surface level to what was really going on for me, and address the root of the issue.

Something I loved about working with Anna is her transparency and willingness to continue to ask better questions of herself and her mentees. She is a practitioner of a very high level and yet she’s simultaneously continuing her own education—this is the best kind of person to take any journey with. Anna held space for whatever was arising for me, and lead me into a new discovery each time we talked simply be telling a story of her own experience that connected us—it was amazing!

 I felt like I could really connect with her even though I’d never met her in person.

Thank you, Anna, for your dedication, heart, and willingness to go along this path together!"

Private Coaching 3 Month Package

Course Pricing

  • Pay In Full

    $999 USD


    3 Month Package

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  • Payment Plan
  • 3 payments of

    $333 USD

    per month

    3 Month Package

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"Working with Anna has been such a privilege and joy. I looked forward so much to our Skypes. I felt she was working not just from a place of deep knowledge, but also intuition and personal experience. An important blend! I learned so much from her, and always re-read the notes from our calls, they were so packed with information. We covered many areas from the Ayurvedic tradition, both practical and subtle concepts. I really valued the suggestions she’s given for both myself and for my yoga clients. I always left our calls feeling more knowledgeable, positive and inspired. Thank you Anna!"

Lou Kitchener
Yoga Therapist, Yoga Studio Director 

 "Anna is a pleasure to work with. Over the 9 months of working together she seem to get to the root of my issues and offer guidance and ideas. Anna possesses a very special skill to calm my Pitta drive and motivate my Kapha laziness. By our last session together, I felt I had some tricks in my bag to use well after our time together had come to an end. Miss you already 🙂." 

Business Admin

Working with Anna has been like having a true friend on the end of the line, holding a space for me with kindness and openness. I love how Anna uses her deep listening skills to understand what is the key issue I am working with, and then helps me find the answers within. On many of our discussions, hearing Anna rephrase and reflect back to me, I was able to come to find many answers and next steps to work towards. I felt my information was held with such wisdom and respect via Anna’s wealth of Ayurvedic knowledge, and her trust in the process. Anyone on the Ayurvedic path would be well held in working with Anna, I feel blessed to have experienced her coaching, Thank-you Anna.

Sallyann Taylor
Owner Operator at Acceptance Yoga

 Anna has been my coach during a 9-month Ayurveda program and I have strongly benefitted from her insight and Ayurvedic knowledge.

She is willing to dive deep and ask thoughtful questions to get at the root of the issue.

The biggest breakthrough I had with Anna was the healing of my tikshna agni which is a pitta related imbalance. She guided my eating, supplement intake and stress reduction activities which had a swift impact on my digestion. I am happy to report that I no longer have the sharp tikshna digestion and indigestion problems I used to suffer from. She is now helping me take on a much bigger issue, which is related to my voice disorder. She directed to me to chakra healing and chanting through various resources. I am following her instructions diligently and am working toward my next breakthrough.

Anna is a compassionate, knowledgeable and professional coach. I have enjoyed working with her so much!

Elsa Arend
Advertising Agent turned Wellness Coach

Course Pricing

  • Pay In Full

    $999 USD


    3 Month Package

    Buy Now
  • Payment Plan
  • 3 payments of

    $333 USD

    per month

    3 Month Package

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